Do you know the story of the Beauty
and the Beast?
I don’t think there is a slightest
need to describe this story in details.
The Beast which actually is an
enchanted prince falls in love in a beautiful girl with saintly character, and
at the end their love is summarized in happy ending where the Beast gets his
initial human form.
However, before he gets back to his
original form, he used to be a beast.
A creature driven by intuition that
lives on a lower level of consciousness than people. Or at least that is what
people prefer to think. This was the case until he face the real divine beauty
represented by the saintly girl and regained the form that was meant for him –
The Human one.
The human form is the advanced condition for which I pray daily that
each one of us will reach sooner or later.
The Beast is a manifestation of the condition typical for most of us at
this time, full with confusion, dilemma, ilussion, inability to give others our
real love, inability not to hurt back in case we get hurt.
We are all condemned of being beasts during larger or lesser part of
our life. The life on Earth is simply conceived in that manner, and our curse as being as beasts is supposed to strengthen us for the time we decide to start seeking perfection. Else, the road would simply be
too easy.
The beast is something we should accept as part of ourselves first. The
time period we are predetermined to spend as beasts depends on ourselves,
whether it takes longer or shorter time to recognize and embrace the Call, as
gift which is meant for all of us, the divine truth, as the saintly girl in
this epic story.
Fortunately we are not alone in this story. The moments when we are
alone, and no one is around, when deep thoughts occupy our every atom of
consciousness , when we think – “What if
things were like this or like this” That is the time when the guidance
appears, the advise we longe for so much by a force greater than ourselves, a
force that comes from our Father.
You know what is the best thing?
The ideal situation we imagine in these
moments is not some distant fantasy but on the contrary, the reality that
awaits for us if we release ourselves from our own chains and give the world
what has been given to us.
What we all can do is to hear our own Call for liberation and to start following it. The Call is reserved for all of us, does not know of discrimination, invites us all at once and one by one. There are many that complain that it is very difficult almost impossible. They might not be so far from the truth, but don't you think that it is worth it? Don't you think it is worth trying once again?
Some people remains beasts forever. They become accustomed to that
lower state, they start considering it as normal and predetermined and they do
not believe that the world can be something different. They call themselves by
many names such as attheists, and their knowledge is consumated by illusion.
Some recognize the divine beauty, the human form, the Call and follow
it. Sometimes they remain alone on the way learn a new dimension of suffering
that purifies them and prepares them.
Is your choice to remain Beast and to ferociously protect the Rose that according to you defines what you are, what you are capable of and your limits..?
Is your choice to abandon what you think you know and start looking for
the Human condition..??