place can give you better answer to this question if not India – the land of
spirituality and mysticism.
recent life experiences has finally enabled me to discover the answer to this
question that has resided inside me not for months but for years. Here in
India, it is not difficult to get an answer to every question or dilemma in your
life; the problem is that most often India does not give you a choice to choose
how would you discover the answers you seek – the easier or the harder way.
What is
the difference between religion and spirituality?
I will
attempt to give the full response to this question no matter the reaction it
might cause inside the reader.
is nothing more but a system of rules, a structure of control that bounds
people from ancient times through their biggest fear - the fear of the unknown. Bring me a person
that is not afraid of the unknown and I will be the first one to touch his
keeps us prisoners and tortures us.
teaches us that we should keep ourselves away from those who do not practice religion. It preach
how to protect ourselves from the demons thereby being filled with criteria how
to recognize or categorize something or someone as demon. It puts the demons
as company inside our mind every day.
On the
other hand....
is above religion
means liberation from the bonds, rules, reality; it means total freedom of life
that is only shaped by the choices we make.
enables us to breath freely and to touch our true potentials and our ability of
immense love, it relieves us from the feeling of guilt which is the main
control mechanism of religion.
Is there
a greater factor that prevents us from reaching our true potential than feeling
Can a
person that feels guilty resist any kind of influence?
does not clasify people based on the religion the belong, but instead sees them
as equal part of an Universal equation.
Spiritual people are aware about the Universal Laws that come from one
single origin, Maker and about the energy that is not only up in heaven as
religion says but also down here between
They are with peace towards the world and themselves.
Religion teaches
us to be quite and pale during the liturgy!
makes us dance on the music that we hear from outside, through a strive that unexplained comes from inside.
Religion says
– Keep away from him, He worships idols.
says – Come, be my Light
What do
you think God prefers for you? To be religious or to be spiritual?
That is
why world’s biggest spiritual movement ISKCON says:
Abandon all varieties of religion and come to us!
Have a
nice day