After we have reconciled together in the room after the finish of our working day, my roomie manifested unusually high level of apathy and exhaustion. We had a small talk about our working day during which I noted that my rommie feels disappointed by people generally, by their conservatism and neutrality. The root of this mood was the campus recruitment that he conducted in a prominent university in Delhi. He could not understand how young people aged around 22-23 can manifest such apathy and disinterest, non seriousness and shallowness in their general knowledge on general topics.
He identified the root of this problem to be lying in these kid’s families which are financially well situated and satisfy every need of their kids without letting them put some effort to achieve the goal.
About the later, I had to support him and tell him that he was right.
About the former, I have presented him a formula instead of an answer:
Nation = People + Ideas
How many of you would agree that most of your life disappointing moments came from people, masses, their formlessness, mediocrity and apathy?
Did you ever get disappointed by an idea so far?
That is what I said to my roomie!
A great similarity between India and Macedonia is the ancient history and the rich heritage. Rich heritage is a true volcano of ideas.
Ideas are free and do now have an owner. They literally float in the air and are available for everyone of us. All that is required is a person or a nation to grasp that idea so that the idea comes to life.
Once the idea penetrates and melts inside us, into what is being called Anima, Atma or Soul, a symbiosis happens that brings mutual benefits. The idea was previously invisible, but now it got a body, a face. The person that has embraced that idea becomes the idea, the idea literally flourished through his pores and now everyone else is able to see the idea through the 5 senses. That is how the idea gets reproduced, it becomes a virus. Is it not a fact that it is easier for us to accept what we can see smell and touch?
On the other side, the idea contains a huge amount of energy. The moment when a certain person accumulate and stand for that idea, he gets blessed with the energy from that idea. That person is no longer one of us, the energy he possesses, the path he starts to walk is not the same as ours. That energy is gift, a reward for the person that decided to stand for the idea. These individuals easily transform into prophets, philosophers, business giants etc.
What do you think kept alive Nelson Mandela 27 years in prison? Or Martin Luther King? What has turned the tiny 50 kg person called Mahatma Gandhi the father of a gigantic nation like India, the person that chased away the supremacy of mighty Britain?
These are people that left the world as it is and fully surrendered themselves to an idea, to that trans dimensional creature so that they can come back again and change the world.
Therefore my friends never give up your nations, because the nation is not a simple mathematical sum of the number of people that live in a certain territory. Like India, our heritage, the Universal Truth is here, it just waits to be asked for and embraced.
Do not seek short term sense pleasure and do not get disappointed by the masses that refuse to understand you. Masses are nothing else but void waiting to be filled with something, with and idea, waiting to be directed. That is a simple fact that was well known to number of prophets and manipulators since ancient history and they utilized it to move humanity towards themselves but of course with diametrically opposite reasons and motives.
Have a nice day