Friday, 12 October 2012


Whenever I am outside in the city here in Delhi I prefer to take the last metro that is supposed to take me to my destination. In order to do that, I spend a bit extra time with people I meet, or if we are supposed to finish the gathering bit earlier, than I spend some time in quite walk trying to feel the pulse of the city and the night atmosphere.

All this just to take the last metro for the day, somewhere around midnight.

What is so special about this?

Why I prefer to remain late just to catch the last metro?

Not only to avoid the crowd which is normal appearance in Delhi Metro in the earlier hours of the nights.

Because the passengers that can be seen in that metro are different from all the rest.

If you travel the metro by day you will be forced to practice your own ability of patience and tranquility while staffed in few inches of space surrounded with lifeless faces who just like you can’t wait to reach their destination and to leave the loaf of people inside.

However that is not the case with the passengers in the last metro.

They are different than anyone else.

What is different about them?

Let's first divide them in 2 groups:

GROUP 1- They are relaxed. Energy can be noticed on their faces and the spark in their eyes just seems to be waking up although it is late at night.

These are people that have decided to spice their own story, to leave their comfort zone, and to add variety in their life.

They are persons who despite their programmed working engagement in corporate entities 8-10 hours a day, have decided to break the routine and to dive into something new temporarily Attending a party, event, visiting a friend, to whom there is some time since they last told him/her how glad they are that they are part of their life.  Maybe tomorrow they will be sleepy for work, but they will also know that:


GROUP 2 - Part of these passengers are again employees who came back from their extended working time. It is easy to recognize them. Most of them sleep during the journey and sometimes even miss their destination. You cannot notice the spark in them, because even if it exists, it is closed inside the eyes that are faced towards the floor. Their plan, their story for tomorrow is defined in advance, and can be described in only one word – SAME!

The first are usually in small groups of 2 or 3 people. You can notice smile instead of tiredness on their faces while discussing about the lovely moments or person with whom they spent their time. Their story is not a straight line of routine and mechanics, they liberate them selves frequently, shake their day, and the burden of obligations and excuses is no longer able to control and define them.

The energy they manifest exceeds the metro facility and penetrate your hearts. It makes you addicted with the desire to be always in its presence.

That is why I prefer to take the last metro, here in Delhi!